Young and the young at heart, in various sports, push themselves to achieve outstanding goals which occasionally lead to repetitive overuse damage or traumatic injuries. Occasionally these acute injuries can become chronic and hamper the performance and movement qualities that high level sports activities demand. The ability to recover and return an athlete to their prior level of function, and beyond, can be achieved through rehabilitation. Physical Therapy has a long history of aiding injured athletes back to health following a minor sprain or strain or even a more catastrophic injury. With a focus on sport specific activities, this population can confidently reach their potential.

Prevention of initial and even recurring injury has become an important component in most budding and seasoned athletes. Corrections to posture and body mechanics during their chosen activities have long-standing benefits. Physical Therapists are trained to assess and recognize faulty biomechanics and movement patterns as well as assist in their adjustment resulting in improved performance. The therapist will construct a detailed and individually tailored plan of care that correlates closely with the athlete’s needs. This may include muscle re-education, specific muscle strengthening, soft tissue relaxation, and balance training. Improving stability and mobility at the proper times can make a world of a difference for this population, and Physical Therapy is the best choice to achieve these goals.